Welcome to my first blog on my brand new website! Where you can expect to see weekly blog posts from me to keep you up to date with what I am shooting!!
Syon Park, London, on a sunny day – what a vibe with the pastel colours!!
A Promise to Myself!
I have to admit I love to indulge myself in creativity, I really do love so much about my lil wedding photography biz that I’ve built but when it comes to websites and socials… I definitely know I have neglected this side. It’s funny because when I sat down a few months back to work on this website, I was going through the archives of my work and realising there is SO much that I haven’t shown the world. It’s a shame that I didn’t focus on it before, because now, DAMN, would I have some entries to look back on!
Life has been super exciting as a wedding photographer, I’ve travelled around the world with work, from Mykonos to France shooting Chateaux’s to beaches, visited so many cool city London, shot in all the lighting situations you can think of and I have so much to show you from before its crazy!! That’s not even mentioning what exciting things I have got booked in this year to share… I am excited!!!
“You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to after it with a club” – Jack London
So.. I’ve made a lil promise to myself and I feel like I want to keep this kinda like a diary entry. A look back on where I’ve been, what I’ve done, what I’ve been privileged to be a part of… what I’ve CREATED!!
Along the way, I’ve learnt A TON!! You can bet you I am the the girl with the wedding photography tips! I’ve attended / shot / helped out at more weddings than I can count, I’ve took note of what works and what doesn’t. I know what works for a wedding, specifically the photos and I love to share my knowledge, anything that is going to elevate your day, I will share with you.
I’m going to create weekly blogs to keep you up to date with past and present thoughts, ideas, tips and images. Of all the places I’ve been, my thoughts on venues, trends and even share ideas here of how to make your day better. So be sure to check back with me and my little wedding diary entries!!
I love to romanticise life, which is what makes me a great wedding photographer.! Your love is extraordinary... Let's make sure your wedding photos are too!
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